Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response (LASER)


A FEMA SID number is required for registration. You can look up your FEMA SID, or register for a new one, at the following site:


Once your registration is complete, you will receive an email confirmation. This email will contain your FEMA SID and registration Confirmation Number. Make sure to have this information available to you in class! You will need this to complete the online post-test and class evaluation.

As soon as you complete registration, you will see a link "Begin Class Pre-Test". Click on this link to access the class pre-test. A completed pre-test is required in order to later take the post-test and receive class credit.

The online registration site is mobile friendly and can be used by any phone, tablet, or computer with internet access. At the end of training, a post-test and class evaluation will be conducted. Bring a device to class that can access the online registration site, so you may complete your post-test and evaluation online. Your post-test will be graded immediately, and you will be able to review the answers. As soon as the post-test is passed and the class evaluation is completed, your Class Information page will update to include a link for your certificate. The certificate may be downloaded as a PDF to your device, or sent as a PDF to your email.

If you need assistance with the online registration site, please contact the NCBRT Help Desk at

The Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response (LASER) course uses a mixture of classroom presentations, hands-on field training, and practical exercises to enhance the capabilities of law enforcement officers to effectively respond to and stop an active shooter incident.

Among the topics covered during the classroom instruction are recent high-profile active shooter incidents that teach valuable lessons to law enforcement officers of any experience level. The course also stresses fundamental considerations that can significantly improve response efforts. Further classroom instruction covers the planning and implementation of appropriate response measures used to achieve the primary goal of stopping a perpetrator to protect innocent lives.

The hands-on field training featured in this course includes information on mental and physical tools necessary to achieve an effective and efficient response to an active shooter incident. Participants will observe and carry out entry and clearing techniques based on various response team sizes and structural configurations.

Finally, the course features numerous practical exercises that employ simulation weapons to create a realistic training environment. These practical exercises depict an active shooter scenario in which responding officers can practice using the knowledge and tools gained from the course to rapidly intervene in the incident.

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