4-day EMI E0580 Training - Emergency Management Framework for Tribal Governments


This 4-day course provides a basic understanding of emergency management principles and their role in leading and directing tribes in developing and implementing comprehensive emergency management systems. Specific topics include identification and analysis of hazards, developing an emergency operations plan and other planning, assuring readiness through training and exercises, forming partnerships in the public and private sectors, and upgrading and sustaining emergency management capabilities.

INTENDED AUDIENCE: tribal emergency managers, tribal emergency response personnel, tribal government agency/department heads, tribal government employees, tribal leaders.

Students completing the course receive an EMI Certificate of Completion for 2.4 CEUs in the mail after the course is completed. The training and materials are free.

NOTICE: You will be required to enter a FEMA Student Identification Number (SID) on your application. PRIOR TO THE CLASS, please obtain a SID by going to https://cdp.dhs.gov/femasid/ and enter your SID on the registration form and bring a copy to class.

Click here to register! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/4-day-emi-l0580-training-tickets-157080986459


ICS 100 and 200 are strongly recommended prior to taking this course.